Biological Control Agents

Accidental introduction

ArticleLead AuthorYear
Occurrence and spread of Phragmidium violaceum on blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) in Victoria, AustraliaBruzzese1984
The potential of Larinus planus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), an accidentally-introduced insect in North America, for biological control of Cirsium arvense (Compositae)McClay1988
Present status of biological control of European blackberry (Rubus fruticosus Aggregate) in AustraliaBruzzese1992
The accidental introduction of the Chromolaena mite, Acalitus adoratus, into south-east AsiaCruttwell McFadyen1992
A closer look at an accidentally-introduced biological control agent for broom (ABSTRACT ONLY)Harman1996
The Unintentional Introduction into the USA of Chaetorellia succinea a Lucky Break for Biological Control of Yellow Starthistle? (ABSTRACT ONLY)Balciunas1999
Our changing perception of Cactoblastis cactorum in North America (ABSTRACT ONLY)Hight2003
Ecological basis for biological control of Arundo donax in California (ABSTRACT ONLY)Dudley2007
Population structure of an inadvertently introduced biological control agent of toadflaxes: Brachypterolus pulicarius in North AmericaHufbauer2007
The accidentally introduced Canada thistle mite Aceria anthocoptes in the western USA: utilization of native Cirsium thistles? (ABSTRACT ONLY)Hansen2007